Throughout my life, rejection has been a familiar thread, weaving its way from childhood cheesecake ventures to the intricacies of adulthood and startup life. Let me take you back to the beginning—a tale of resilience born from selling cheesecakes door-to-door.
As a young entrepreneur, I baked (delicious!!) cheesecakes, knocking on doors around my neighborhood to save money for college. Rejections were abundant; doors slammed, doubts about my cheesecake's quality echoed, and skepticism about paying $20 lingered. Yet, those who said yes glimpsed the value beyond skepticism and were rewarded with a tasty surprise—a lesson that echoed throughout my life.
Fast forward, rejection became a formidable companion over the years, including some very salient ones:
❌ Harvard, Yale, or Wharton? Denied. Redirected to UT, where unexpected paths around campus and the world unfolded fast - including meeting my two best friends (and first Hangtight investors) on day 1.
❌ UT's McCombs Business School: A Closed Door. Twice. Pushed into uncharted territory as an undecided student, leading to launching a new major (international relations) for me and guiding thousands of students globally down an alternative path.
❌ College RA Dream: Crushed. Freed me up to study abroad at NTU Singapore and Sciences Po Paris, transformative experiences that unlocked a grand new vision for my life.
❌ MBB Consulting Firms: A String of Nos. Partner's rejection because he deemed me "not consulting material" fueled a major fire within, sparking fierce resilience and determination.
❌ Countless Rejection in Relationships and Opportunities. Despite feeling like the odd one out, these rejections paved the way for authentic connections and opportunities aligned with my journey.
✅ Here's the twist: Rejection is a blessing in disguise. It's a cosmic force aligning us with what truly matters. In the moment, rejection stings, but keep an open mind and focus on the big picture. Rejection is a catalyst for personal growth, a potent motivator for entrepreneurs. It propels us to prove the naysayers and cynics wrong. It drives us to move mountains, to change the world.
So, let's toast to rejection—not as a roadblock but as a stepping stone to triumph.